E-T-A News


Firma E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH, přední světový výrobce jističů pro přístroje, automatizaci, energetiku, automotive a transportation segment v novém newsletteru seznamuje s aktuálními změnami v organizaci globálního prodeje, novými produkty, posílení výrobních i personálních kapacit jako reakci na aktuální požadavky světového trhu.

July 2012

E-T-A News

Preferred types

The comprehensive E-T-A circuit breaker catalogue has been revised in autumn last year to reflect the idea of promoting preferred types of our most popular circuit breaker types. After analysing global sales figures over a longer period of time, we defined the preferred types, i.e. the best-selling versions, which saw a more moderate price increase than the other types. The process will be kept under constant review to evaluate the effects of this course of action.

Lead time situation

With all delivery times we have been back to normal now for several months with only one exception: type 4120 is still a challenge ever since the production transfer to Indonesia. Otherwise we are looking forward to receiving your orders.

New Sales Organisation

During the strategy review of 2010/2011 the entire sales organisation of E-T-A was revisited and subsequently partly re-jigged. Major reasons are growing requirements caused by globalisation, leading to an increasing price pressure by allowing global transparency, which requests a closer and closer co-operation between the individual sales territories and subsidiaries. Therefore the sales organisation was re-shaped to have three hubs: Area America (Area Director Bill Stewart), Area Europe (Klaus Balzer) and Area Asia Pacific (Jeremy Seah). In addition the Global Sales Center (headed by Ingrid Steininger) takes care of all aspects concerning global customer service and indirect sales channels. The contact and attendance to our local representatives will be intensified by establishing a new position: Bernd Bernecker has been appointed Manager of Indirect Sales Channels Europe and has already started visiting our European representatives to improve and promote co-operation.

New Representative for Czech Republic and Slovakia

Vienna Trading Company, led by Mr Martin Janda, became our new representative for the Czech Republic and Slovakia, two countries which formerly had been attended to by Mr Ladislav Bojarsky who had retired in March this year. Mr Janda and his Sales Engineer Martin Kaše already attended a global technical training taking place in Altdorf in April this year with some 30 participants from all over the world.

Product Re-locations

During the first halfyear we relocated two of our best-selling products: type 3120 went to Tunisia while type 4120 went to Indonesia. Though not all challenges connected to re-locations have been solved yet, we are confident that this will prove the right step in the long run.


On 7 May 2012, Jeremy Seah joined us as a Managing Director of E-T-A Asia Pacific. In June he spent two weeks in Altdorf to get to know persons and processes and for technical training.

On 1 December 2011, Claudia Schindler joined us as a Project Manager LEAN Administration. One of our first international activities on this score was a workshop dealing with international order processing with participants from France, Singapore and the US. Among many other projects, Claudia will continue pursuing this subject.

Product News

New E-T-A Products recently launched

•    Solid State Remote Power Controller E-1072-128
•    Thermal-magnetic Circuit Breaker 2216-S
•    Electronic Overcurrent Protector REF16-S
•    Sockets Type 80plus and 81plus

E-T-A Product News

Please advise your experience in marketing these new products and let us know if you require further information or advertising material.

Future products to come

1. Product portfolio for the photovoltaic market
In addition to the DC Disconnect for photovoltaic systems, which had been released for sales mid-2011, the IEE Division has now designed a series of supplementing products specifically for the photovoltaic market. A brochure presenting the entire portfolio is under preparation, product release for sales is scheduled for September / October this year:
E-T-A Type PVSEC-… - Firefighter Switch for PV systems
E-T-A Type PVREM-… - DC Disconnect for PV systems with remote control
E-T-A Type PVSEC-… - Firefighter Switch for PV systems
E-T-A Type PVREM-…-AF1 and PVSEC-…-AF1 - Fire prevention through arc fault detection

2. Business Unit Complementary and Commodity Products (BUCC)
As you may know it has been a strategic decision to start selling bought-in products representing a suitable completion of the E-T-A product range. In the course of this strategy we are presently investigating the possibility to sell a bought-in MCB and circuit breakers type 1657/1659 (complementing 1658). Technical and commercial conditions for a product release are being worked on, we will keep you informed.

3. HVDC Isolating Relay for Electric Mobility
This is a DC 450 V relay specifically designed for the application market of electric vehicles. Product release is scheduled for the first half of 2013.

Products deleted

The following products have been removed from our product line:
•    Thermal circuit breaker type 3130 with type B illumination
•    SSRPC E-1048-600/-602 (was replaced by E-1048-S600/-S602)
•    type 3130-F2 with integral water splash protection (type 3131 can be offered as a replacement)

In addition it is planned to remove series 911/912/913/921/922, but only within the next two to three years.

Approval News

•    ATEX Approval for type ESX10 and ESX10-T: the official approval certificate from TÜV was received.
•    ESS20 and ESS22-T have been approved to UL 1077.
•    2216-S single pole and double have also been approved to UL 1077.

Innovation Prize “Top 100”

On the occasion of the TOP100 competition, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team of the Vienna University of Economics assessed the innovation management of medium-sized companies. Franke is professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and one of the world’s leading experts of User Innovation. The best out of 281 participants were awarded the “Top 100” seal of quality, among the E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH.