Nový wide input range VI BRICK™ intermediate bus converters (IBCs)


Nejnovější příspěvek v řadě produktů IBC050

The newest addition to our IBC050 product line of high performance, wide input range VI BRICK™ intermediate bus converters (IBCs) – IB050Q096T80N1-00 quarter-brick – has just been launched. Providing up to 850W of output power, it far exceeds the power capability and efficiency of competitive bus converters. This makes it ideally suited for demanding applications spanning enterprise, optical access and storage networks.

Basic Characteristics
Available as a drop-in upgrade for industry standard 5:1 fixed ratio converters, the new IBC module operates from a 36V to 60V input voltage range, with 2,250Vdc isolation from input to output while achieving 98% peak efficiency. Rated at up to 80 Amps, 850W from 55 to 60 Vin and 550W from 36Vin, 58.4 x 36.8 x 10.5 mm quarter-brick module allows designers to conserve valuable board space and achieve full load operation at 50 °C with 400 LFM airflow.

The IB050Q096T80N1-00 IBC module yields maximum usable power in thermally constrained systems. Its open frame construction facilitates airflow above and below the module to minimize temperature rise of downstream components. Using an industry standard form factor and pinout, the new IBC module equips customers with greater power capability freeing up valuable board space.

Using Vicor’s Sine Amplitude Converter™ topology, IBC050 series modules are pin-compatible with industry standard ‘square wave’ bus converters, which are fundamentally limited by switching losses to low operating frequencies, low power densities and low bandwidth. Operating at 1 MHz, the IB050Q096T80N1-00 IBC module cuts transient response time by a factor of 10 and eliminates the need for bulk capacitors across the intermediate bus.

Design Tool
Designers can take advantage of Vicor’s new IBC Power Simulation tool, an industry-first online simulation capability, to interactively model the electrical and thermal performance of the IB050Q096T80N1-00 IBC module in application-specific operating conditions and thermal environments. Available to users via Vicor’s PowerBench™ online design center, Vicor’s IBC Power Simulation tool enables designers to quickly and easily select, simulate and optimize IBC performance under a variety of system thermal and electrical conditions.

Pricing and Availability
The new IB050Q096T80N1-00 module is priced at less than $0.09 per Watt in OEM quantities, and is available now. For more pricing information please visit our Sales Resource Center.

Click here for a datasheet.