Leclanché Capacitors

Kondenzátory film- a elektrolytické s vysokou provozní životností pro nejnáročnější aplikace a kritické provozní podmínky
Web výrobce: www.lcap.ch
Leclanché Capacitors
Kondenzátory film- a elektrolytické s vysokou provozní životností pro nejnáročnější aplikace a kritické provozní podmínky
Railway, automotive, aerospace, high voltage, medicine, filtration.
Manufacturers of top quality capacitors since 1919, Leclanché Capacitors has satisfied customers all over the world.
We manufacture specific capacitors that fit specific needs and budgets. With a team of developers at your disposal,
we can design in days and then manufacture within just a few weeks exactly the capacitors that you need.
Specializing in high-voltage and power capacitors, we serve a variety of industries : railway, aeronautics, medical,
induction heating, soldering, welding, industrial laser, electrical storage, PLCC, instrumentation, defense, power electronics,
and many more.
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